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5-15&16-2021 Art Adventures and Interview with Ed Hager

Interviewing Ed Hager as a Historian and a Method Actor/ Reenactor!

Ed was probably one of the most informative people I've ever had the opportunity to talk with about his art and history in general. We were worried about time and didn't want to drive back to Denver too late, so we kept it as brief as we could, but this is an artist I would like to reinterview sometime.

This is the first interview that I am in front of the camera with the artist for. We are trying different things to see what makes Art Adventures something worth watching all the time. Interviewing local artists and exploring an abandoned landmark in that area with permission and guidance of the city, has been priceless. Each season will be centered around a particular town or region to promote local art, culture, and explore/investigate architecture and a world left behind in the area. Hopefully we can help rebuild towns or at least show that everyone has something to offer and art is all around us, along with the idea that there's so much to live for.

These next photos are from the night before we interviewed Ed. They are from spending time with Jonel, who is a producer and a really cool woman who moved down to Trinidad recently that Eric knew from the Post Modern Company.

At a garage sale she found this old wedding vail that was she bought.

If you look closely the bride is a man. This is a very old photo, with evidence of transgender acceptance in the town of Trinidad. It's not too surprising since this town was known as The Sex Change Capital of the world in the 90s and early 2000s or so, due to Dr. Biber. But this photo and vaile may be from the 1800s. I found it fascinating and I enjoyed this whole trip.

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